Saturday, June 26, 2010

Re: The Process.

Trying to get a film made is... difficult. Actually, to call it difficult is to put it mildly.

The fact that I have two feature films to my credit is kind of a miracle in the indie world. I was incredibly fortunate to have been invited by a close friend to become a part of "Dakota Skye." The film came together quickly because the films director (John Humber) and his family paid for it. There was no hunt for money. No need for multiple investors. In short, we just set out to make the film. Our collective filmmaking knowledge is what made it work.

For the next film, "Girlfriend," I was brought on by the Wayne/Lauren Film Co. after meeting with Justin Lerner and his team. Again, financing was already in place.

I just finished watching "Crazy Heart," the film for which Jeff Bridges won the Oscar for Best Actor. During the end titles, I noticed a laundry list of producers including cast members Robert Duvall and Bridges himself. This most likely means that, at some point, the film ran into financing trouble and was bailed out by members of the cast. I don't know this for sure, but it's a likely scenario.

Last week I had a very good meeting for another project that seems a long way off, but could very well end up being my third film as producer and may lead to a long term relationship with a well respected production company... Something I really hope goes through. At the same time, I continue to develop my own projects in the hope that I'll be able to get them made.

For indies, having a great script is hurdle number one. I have managed to find several now, and currently am working to make what I think is a good script (mine) into a great one. This too is difficult.

Hurdle number two, is finding the money. Something I'm working on.

But it feels like it's getting easier.

Wish me luck.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Re: "The Goonies"

This Monday, June 7th 2010 will be the 25th Anniversary of “The Goonies,” so I thought I might briefly talk about the film.

Anyone who was young enough when it came out (at least the people I’ve met), remember the film as a fond reminder of their childhood.

I can remember the theater I saw it in (Saddleback Cinema on El Toro Road in Laguna, Ca.), who took me (my grandmother) and how amazing the film was as an experience. I think, at the time, what was kind of mind blowing was that it was a film starring kids and about kids that never seemed to treat its actors or its audience like kids. There were, to borrow from an old 40’s one sheet, “thrills!” “chills” and “adventure!”

The film gave me everything I was hoping for in a movie. It was, in a word, perfect. I mean, who didn’t want to ride down that water slide at the end and climb onto ‘One-Eyed Willy’s’ ship?

I hear that on certain anniversary’s, the people of Astoria, Oregon (where the film was shot and takes place) have events and welcome members of the cast. Wish I could go this year. Maybe someday I’ll get up there… but for now I’ll simply say:

I am a Goonie.

Thanks to Richard Donner, Chris Columbus and Steven Spielberg for the great film.