Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Return of the GIRLFRIEND One Sheet!

The other day, I posted the first official one-sheet (odd industry term for a poster) for GIRLFRIEND, but quickly had to take it down... Today, I get to put the "poster" back up.

The image is actually taken directly from the RED Camera we used to shoot the film, so credit must be given to not only our director (Justin Lerner), but to our phenomenally gifted director of photography Quyen Tran.

Hope you like it... Again.



  1. Neat.
    Uhm... WHY did you have to take it down the first time? (Dunno... maybe you said it & I just missed it... xD)
    Greetz from Europe!

  2. I really want to see this. I'm actually really excited. And I keep forgetting to get Dakota Skye off of Amazon. I swear I'll get to it! :)

  3. We had to pull it down the first time due to some concerns by the films reps... but all is good now!
