What follows is the tale of my latest adventures...
This little travelogue begins this past July, when GIRLFRIEND opened theatrically at the QUAD CINEMA in New York, just a few blocks from Union Square.
The Quad is an old-school art house theater. As you can see in the photo below, our film was playing opposite an Oscar nominated foreign film, and an indie directed by John Turturro among a few others. Initially, GIRLFRIEND was only booked for a one week run, but after our receipts were higher than all of the other films that week, the theater decided to hold us over for an additional week... a phenomenon which has continued at recent venues.
I flew out for the opening weekend and grabbed this video on the night of the premiere...
Here's an unusual artsy photo I took of our one-sheet in the "Now Showing" case at the Quad:
After the July showing in New York, I returned to Los Angeles and, with bills mounting, took a job... a job that would turn out to be one of the best of my career in the big-budget film biz...
The reason I would say it has been one of, if not the best experience I've had in the business, is because I began working, as I mentioned above, for writer-director Peter Hedges. Peter is an extraordinarily generous, kind and talented man. I have had the good fortune to learn a great deal from him during the process and I am proud to have been a part of his latest film. I will honestly be quite sad when it comes to an end in just a few weeks.
In the midst of post production on Peter's film, I also took on an additional job working for the lovely and talented Ms. Anne Hathaway on THE DARK KNIGHT RISES. I'd say more on that topic, but I'm afraid the Warner Bros. security detail would come smashing through my windows and cart me away only to lock me in the water tower with the Animaniacs. Not that that wouldn't be fun...
During these months, GIRLFRIEND began adding awards to our mantle...
We picked up the Audience Award for Best Feature at Woods Hole Film Fest as well as the Jury Award for Best Feature Drama.
Evan Sneider was there to collect the Award.
Anne finally had a weekend where she wasn't scheduled to work on DKR, and I headed off to Michigan to the Hell's Half Mile Film and Music Festival, where only a few years earlier, DAKOTA SKYE had picked up the Fest Best Award.
Taking GIRLFRIEND there would turn out to be an amazing experience - not only for the reception the film received, but also because of the people I would end up meeting. A group of amazingly talented filmmakers with such unique and exciting creative voices that I left feeling truly inspired.
Check back for the next installment!
Congrats on your great year! I have a question I just can't seem to find an answer to anywhere and was wondering if you or anyone you knew had been through this: I am a producer on an indie working with a good California casting agency that took my contract, money and now refuses to do any work. What are my resources for firing them or, if I must, getting the fire lit underneath them?
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